Ian W Halliday, BA (Hons), MIMIS, AAIBF (Snr), ATMB, CL
I was born in June 1961 and baptised in September 1961, but since then I have done a variety
of other things. One of the things I do is collect letters after my name. All the letters you
see here are legitimate post-nominal letters, and they signify the following:

BA (Hons) Bachelor of Arts with Honours - a degree from The University of Liverpool
in Computational and Statistical Science with Pure Mathematics. This degree is issued by the
Faculty of Social and Environmental Studies, which explains why it is a B.A. However, the
reason this faculty issues mathematics degrees at all is less clear.

MIMIS Full member of the Institute of Management Information Systems. This British
organisation is to the practical worker in computing what the British Computer Society is to
the academic in the same field. I find that the Institute is more suited to the work I choose
to do.

AAIBF (Snr) Senior Associate of the Australasian Institute of Banking and Finance.
Since starting work in banking, this has become the most appropriate qualification for me to
earn. With further patience and experience, I will become qualified as a Fellow in the

ATMB Advanced Toastmaster (Bronze) - Toastmasters International is an organisation
dedicatd to promoting communication and leadership skills. On the communication track, this
is the first of the advanced qualifications. I have just completed the second (ATM Silver) which I expect to register later this month.

CL Competent Leader - This is the first leadership award from Toastmasters, one
of the easier qualifications to acquire. It is the stepping stone to Advanced Leader, a much
harder award. The ultimate goal for an ambitious Toastmaster is to become a Distinguished

General Readers Certificate - no letters. This certificate was issued by Church House in
Westminster at the end of my training as a Reader - a post often referred to these days as a
Licensed Lay Minister. As a reader, when licensed to a parish I am permitted to do most of the
things that a deacon can do.
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