As the initial promotion for this site, I sent out this message.
My brothers and sisters,
Over a year ago, I felt called to create a web site which recognizes
baptism and those who have been baptised.
After discussion and prayer, I have just produced a simple site which is
at in my home country.
The vision of the site (for the time being) is for people to proclaim
that they have been baptised by placing a button on their site
proclaiming this. For too long, the www has ben seen by the media as a
place for pornographers and bomb makers.
I want people who have been personal web sites and who have baptised to
proclaim this first step of their Christian journey by adding this small
file to their sites.
I have turned first to the members of this group who I hope will support
me in this venture.
May God bless you all,
The first responses came from Des and James.
I would think that a button saying, "I'm Saved" would be more powerful than
"I am baptized."
A person can be baptized and not saved but every believer who is truly saved follows the Lord
in baptism automatically; so getting saved, to me, seems to be the KEY element to proclaim!
I'd be interested in others' thoughts.
I agree with the thought of salvation being the most important button.
It's like a belly button if you don't have salvation you don't have a button.
Jim Mc
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