The Call
by Ian W Halliday
1 Samuel 3:1-10 The Lord calls Samuel
John 1:43-50 Jesus calls Philip and Nathanael
Calls were rare then
In the days of Samuel, the Lord's call was rare. I've been told that God
had never spoken to Eli in all the years he had been priest, but a man
had spoken the Lord's words to him. Nevertheless, Eli was a man who was
faithful to God and after a little while he recognised God's call. However,
God's call became more frequent over the years. In the days of Jesus, there
wasn't anything particularly supernatural about God's call because in one
sense, Jesus was "just a man". These days, God's call is still something
that we are able to hear clearly, if only we listen.
Not quite a fairy tale
As we read the story of Samuel's call, however, I always think back to
the fairy tales I knew as a child and still know as a parent. In the story
of the three billy goats gruff, the first and second billy goats are treated
in a particular way but there is a contrast in the third billy goat. In
the same way, we have three little pigs. The first two get what is coming
to them, but the third is treated differently. I always wanted to write
a story ending with the line "and so they all arrived safely home, and
they had never needed to look inside the third magic envelope" but that
just wouldn't do. In Samuel's case, the Lord calls him and he thinks it
is Eli, so Samuel runs to Eli. The same thing happens a second time, and
then Eli recognises what is happening, and on the third attempt, Samuel
hears and responds to God's call. Eventually, recognition came.
In just the same way, God calls us, each and every one of us. He will keep
on calling, keep on knocking at the door until we answer His call. He won't
come in until we invite Him, which could be a very long time indeed. For
some of us, years may pass before we respond: others may respond on the
very first occasion we hear Him: others may never take any notice at all.
Once we have taken notice and accepted Him, then our lives will never be
the same.
God's requests
God will show and map out a plan for us, probably one piece at a time,
but it is up to us to recognise the pieces of the plan as they are shown
to us and it is also up to us to do what God wants. Our God will scarcely
ever force any of us to do anything we do not choose to do. Our God, whom
we love and serve, is not a tyrant. He is not sadistic and cruel. That
is why he will not generally call people to do things for no good reason
which they hate or fear or find loathsome in some way.
We are not all called to be missionaries to places where utter darkness
reigns. We are not all called to minister to the dying. Some of us will
hear God's call to those things, some of us will become inflamed with desire
to do those things and will go on to do them very well, but most of us
will not. Instead, God will call us to what might seem in some sense very
ordinary work indeed. We will be called to full time Christian work: all
of us are called to full time Christian work, but it may not be in what
some people both inside and outside the church think is Christian work.
During and after our time in Vanuatu, we found people inside and outside
the church who could not grasp that although we were white people in Vanuatu,
we were not missionaries. My work was in the computer section of the Ministry
of Finance and not in a mission church. Nevertheless, there were opportunities
to share God's love with people there just as there are opportunities here
in Upper Hutt and throughout Aotearoa New Zealand wherever we happen to
Full time Christian work includes such things as
growing a family
building a church
teaching at a school
working for a bank
using machinery in a factory
or whatever other work God calls you to do.
God of ordinary things
Our God is the God of miracles, but He is also the God of ordinary things
far more. Miracles do happen, but they are rare. If they were not, then
we would not be able to build a view of the world we live in that we could
be safe and comfortable with, because too many startling and unexplainable
things would happen. It's bad enough as it is! Our God is the God of ordinary
things, and we see this in the Gospel reading, where Jesus was speaking
to Nathanael, simply about having seen him under a fig tree, yet that was
enough to inspire him to follow.
God does ordinary things well: most of the time that he moves people
to different places he does so by natural means. Generally, if God's plan
requires people to be in a different place to where they are, he will call
on Mr. Ford or Mr. Boeing for assistance, rather than have them magically
moved to other places. So it is that I have found myself both learning
from and ministering to the people of God in different places in three
different countries and never once been transported supernaturally. The
ministry we have offered has sometimes been particular to the people we
have been close to and sometimes could have been offered by anyone, but
we see God's plan in it. Sometimes. Sometimes, we don't see God's plan
until afterwards and sometimes we may not see it at all.
Two examples
Let me give two examples. First, what happened to be in Oxford? I was studying
for a course I was ill-suited to, I was unhappy and at the end of the year
I failed the exams. Yet in that year, I had learned a great many things
about myself and about life and I found that my faith and spiritual strength
was far greater as a result. Too bad that I hadn't learned enough mathematics,
but the Lord was gracious to me in that I went on to graduate from Liverpool
University. Second, a dear friend of ours who was and still is deeply involved
in Bible translation work found that he was unable to print the text of
the scriptures using the computer and printer he had. He knew what the
problem was and had the manual for the printer, but he was a translator,
not a computer man. And like so many manuals, it too might as well have
been in another language. Yet on this first evening that I met him, and
even though he had been rude about my church, I was able to work through
the printer manual and solve a problem which had been delaying their work
for weeks if not months. He was so excited to see that it was now printing
correctly that he telephoned one of his friends to share the news. I'm
not sure his friend was pleased to receive a call at such an hour.
The Bible and prayer
Of course, we have a manual too. It was written in a foreign language but
by the faith and calling of people like our friend in times gone by, it
is available to us in our own language. God's message to us in the Bible
is a clear instruction book, a living book, a living message that is as
good a pointer and signpost as we can receive. However, we must read it
regularly, carefully and prayerfully to make the most of it. The other
thing that will help us to hear God's call in our own lives is prayer.
By speaking to God, we can hear God speaking to us. By listening to our
own requests carefully, we can often hear or be inspired to solutions.
God can speak directly to us, or he can use the words of the holy Bible,
or he can use the lives and words of other Christians. He can inspire us
and call us using other holy books or any other method: books, music, television:
lines from poems whether they were originally inspired or not. Quite simply,
God can use almost any means to make us more aware of him, but we need
to be listening, aware, tuned to what He is trying to tell us.
The message
So if I have a message for you, it is this: Listen for the repeated and
repeating calls of God in your life. Don't expect it to be in a supernatural
way. God can call you through the very ordinary things of life. Listen,
and if you have never trusted Him with your life, consider well whether
this is the time to do so; if you did that long ago, listen carefully for
some new way that He is calling you: maybe He is calling you in some new
direction now, maybe He is confirming that what you are doing is the right
way now, maybe he is pointing down a new road in your life. I don't know:
however, I do know that God's plan for your life is unique to you and that
to follow it every step of the way will be the most exciting life you could
ever hope to have.
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